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I have chosen the “Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease” article for doing analysis.Article Ref


The article uses the Quantitative Mass Spectrometry method to understand disease progression by integrating brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid proteome for early diagnostic development. There is a direct relationship between CSF to the brain, which helps develop better biomarkers to understand neuropathology.

AIM: To examine the relationships between variables (Age; Biomarkers: ABeta42,tTau, PTau; APOE gene; MoCA cognitive test) using correlation coefficients (Pearson correlation) to determine if there are any associations between age, biomarker levels, cognitive scores, and APOE gene in causing Alzheimer disease.

Figure 1: A matrix of scatterplots for pairwise variable comparisons. correlation plot of the correlation matrix Figure 2: A color-coded correlation plot of the correlation matrix

Results: The variables pTau and tTau had the highest positive correlation with the Correlation Coefficient of 0.9844788 in relation to the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

Rstudio Link: Scientific data analysis

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