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Jorge is currently a Master's student in the Forest Resources Grad Program at the University of São Paulo – USP;
He was a Resident Fellow in the Agricultural Professional Residency Program offered by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, working in Suzano S.A. and the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco.
He holds a Bachelor's degree in Forestry from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (2021). He also has been developing research and studies in both remotely sensed data and geoprocessing for the Brazilian dry forests.
Jorge enjoys to play piano and to sing out loud whenever he can!
Quantitative Research Center Lab - ESALQ/USP
: +55 19 3447 6676
Well, if you accessed this page, it's probably because you're interested in the content produced in the class LCF5900 "Open and Reproducible Scientific Data Processing". There were required 2 main tasks, and here they are:
1. To develop a Google Colab (Jupyter Notebooks, Python) using Climate Data from Piracicaba
2. With the same data & results from the first task, develop a RMarkdown!
and of course, all the data must be FAIR.
Here is my google colab "Piracicaba's Climograph!"
Here is a GitHub with my Rmd.Project "Piracicaba's Climograph!"