I have chosen the "Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease" article for doing analysis.[[https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02158-3|Article Ref]] ====== Description ====== The article uses the Quantitative Mass Spectrometry method to understand disease progression by integrating brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid proteome for early diagnostic development. There is a direct relationship between CSF to the brain, which helps develop better biomarkers to understand neuropathology. **AIM**: To examine the relationships between variables (Age; Biomarkers: ABeta42,tTau, PTau; APOE gene; MoCA cognitive test) using correlation coefficients (Pearson correlation) to determine if there are any associations between age, biomarker levels, cognitive scores, and APOE gene in causing Alzheimer disease. {{ :opensci:2023:scidata:plot.png?direct&400 |}} **Figure 1**: A matrix of scatterplots for pairwise variable comparisons. {{ :opensci:2023:scidata:plot_cor.png?direct&400 |correlation plot of the correlation matrix}} **Figure 2**: A color-coded correlation plot of the correlation matrix **Results**: The variables pTau and tTau had the highest positive correlation with the Correlation Coefficient of 0.9844788 in relation to the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Rstudio Link: [[https://posit.cloud/content/5925843|Scientific data analysis]]