====== Rice planted area (Latin America and Asia) ====== **Source**: Laborte, A., Gutierrez, M., Balanza, J. et al. RiceAtlas, a spatial database of global rice calendars and production. Sci Data 4, 170074 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2017.74 I selected RiceAtlas, a spatial database of global rice calendars and production. Data were filtered for Asia and Latin America (all countries). Then, the data were submitted to an arrange to perform a data series for the months from January to December. Tidy data were used to generate ggplot graphs and were then grouped for each continent. **Latin America** {{ :opensci:2023:scidata:lam.png?nolink&600 |}} **Asia** {{ :opensci:2023:scidata:asia.png?nolink&600 |}} Link RStudio: [[https://posit.cloud/content/5931615|Scientific data]]