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opensci:2023:rdatanal:model:modpra [2023/05/08 17:07] pragathiopensci:2023:rdatanal:model:modpra [2024/03/23 20:17] (atual) – edição externa
Linha 1: Linha 1:
-======** Modeling** ======+**Modeling** 
 Predicting the volume of a tree based on diameter breast height by using training and test data to generate a linear regression model. When the residues lay in the horizontal line y=0, it points out that the predicted values perfectly match the actual values.  Predicting the volume of a tree based on diameter breast height by using training and test data to generate a linear regression model. When the residues lay in the horizontal line y=0, it points out that the predicted values perfectly match the actual values. 
-Referring to the exploratory data to understand the Modeling[[https://posit.cloud/content/5925843|LRM]]+Referring to the exploratory data [[https://posit.cloud/content/5925843|Exp]] to understand the Modeling[[https://posit.cloud/content/5925843|LRM]]
-{{:opensci:2023:rdatanal:model:lrm.png?direct&200 |}}+{{ :opensci:2023:rdatanal:model:lrm.png?400 |}}
opensci/2023/rdatanal/model/modpra.1683565672.txt.gz · Última modificação: 2024/03/23 20:17 (edição externa)