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opensci:2023:rdatanal:model:modiza [2023/05/30 21:32] izaelopensci:2023:rdatanal:model:modiza [2024/03/23 20:17] (atual) – edição externa
Linha 5: Linha 5:
 {{:opensci:2023:rdatanal:model:yield_x_season_br.png?600|}} {{:opensci:2023:rdatanal:model:yield_x_season_br.png?600|}}
-Figure 1. Relationship between sugarcane yield data by municipalities with the season. The red line represents the fited curve, the blue line represents the mean yield of each season.+Figure 1. Relationship between sugarcane yield data by municipalities with the season. The red line represents the fitted curve, and the blue line represents the mean yield of each season.
 This decrease in yield after 2010, was followed by an increase in yield between 2000 and 2009. Thus, with we split the linear model in two periods before 2000 and after 2000. These results show that in general, after 2000 there is also an increase in yield, with significance (p<0.001). However, in this case, the slope of equation (a=0.28), after 2000, is lower than the model considering the yield before 2000 (a=0.334) (Figure 2). With that, after 2000 the rate of yield increases by season was lowered.  This decrease in yield after 2010, was followed by an increase in yield between 2000 and 2009. Thus, with we split the linear model in two periods before 2000 and after 2000. These results show that in general, after 2000 there is also an increase in yield, with significance (p<0.001). However, in this case, the slope of equation (a=0.28), after 2000, is lower than the model considering the yield before 2000 (a=0.334) (Figure 2). With that, after 2000 the rate of yield increases by season was lowered. 
Linha 23: Linha 23:
 {{:opensci:2023:rdatanal:model:yield_x_season_br_split_sp.png?600|}}  {{:opensci:2023:rdatanal:model:yield_x_season_br_split_sp.png?600|}} 
-Figure 3. Relationship between sugarcane yield data by municipalities with the seasonsplit into two periods. 0 represents before 2000 and 1 after 2000, for the state of São Paulo.+Figure 3. Relationship between sugarcane yield data by municipalities with the season split into two periods. 0 represents before 2000 and 1 after 2000, for the state of São Paulo.
opensci/2023/rdatanal/model/modiza.1685482356.txt.gz · Última modificação: 2024/03/23 20:17 (edição externa)